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Who gets what from oil?

I thought the following OPEC chart was enlightening and one more piece of the oil puzzle worth posting:


Is Japan’s low taxing fostering a higher cut for the oil industry?  …which would be very bad news for the average japanese.

And what are Italy and Germany doing to get those sweet breaks in industry margins?  There could be a lesson to learn there too…

BTW, according to a recent Reuter’s article dated July 17, OPEC forecasts a 1.3 million bpd increase in demand for 2007 to 85.9 mbpd, slightly less than the 1.4 mbpd increase expected for 2006.

OPEC further predicts a slower 4.2% world GDP growth for 2007, compared to an expected 4.7% growth for 2006.

Giant footprints

Chuck LeBeau

Chuck LeBeau

Chuck LeBeau, author of a few trading books and a trader I respect very much, sent this promo video of his MarketClub, which I find quite instructive and entertaining…

He describes step by step his "Great Footprints" trading method; which in essence looks at the quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily charts of a security to confirm its trend.
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