OPEC cuts back
According to the FT report
from Carola Hoyos, dated 29 September 2006, two of the OPEC members decided to
make public their cutbacks in production, exasperating the rest of the organization’s
According to the FT report
from Carola Hoyos, dated 29 September 2006, two of the OPEC members decided to
make public their cutbacks in production, exasperating the rest of the organization’s
Natural Gas NG0611 Source: Prophet
(click to enlarge)
According to Bloomberg’s September 21 piece,
by Katherine Burton and Justin Baer, Amaranth Advisors LLC hedge fund
lost $6 billion or 65% this month on a natural gas long bet.
Alan Greenspan
Source: US Treasury
…I think we all owe a lot to the old Fed chairman.
According to the UK Times, Iran is threatening to cut oil production if the UN imposes sanctions due to the continuation of their nuclear program.
I thought I had enough of Greenspan’s conundrum with all the litter
I spilled the other day at JD Hamilton’s excellent yield curve presentation.
But, I was drawn in once again by reading knzn’s CB bank bond and US
interest rates purchases presentation, at his well argued
blog: Economics and.
I stole this chart and comment from JD Hamilton’s post on the new home sales data – it’s that good!
" Another way to summarize the deviation from the usual seasonal pattern
is with a graph like the following. In an average year prior to this
one, June sales would be 36% above the December trough, whereas this
year they are up only 17% since December.Only 4 years out of the last
41 years (which includes 6 recessions) saw as weak a December-to-June
gain." [my italics]
I’ve got nothing to add; a picture is worth a thousand words…
According to Marketwatch, the Nigerian Delta Militants have shut in a total of 715,000 bpd with their latest attack to the Ogbainbiri ENI flowstation. Further threats which include
"shut down all export terminals this time around" by one of their leaders appear to be deadly serious…
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